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Chapter Books


Final Cover AThe Caretaker of Imagination The Caretaker Series #1


Bored with his normal life, John Carroll runs away with his faithful cat in search of adventure. When he meets a real-life pirate, John realizes there is much more to the world than he’d ever thought possible – magic is real, and in desperate need of a hero.

John must convince the (once fearsome) Captain Simon Peabody to join him on a fantastic and perilous quest to find the only person who can save magic from being lost forever: the Caretaker of Imagination.

This wondrous tale harks back to the style of classic children’s literature. Perfect as a read-aloud, it is sure to delight readers of all ages.

BUY: iBooks FREE | Amazon FREE | Kobo FREE | Paperback Illustrator’s Edition



LUCY’S STORY: The End of the World The Caretaker Series #2


When Lucy Carroll began writing ‘The End of the World’ she didn’t want it to actually happen – but destiny had other plans for her.

Now, locked in the Galaxy Tower with a grumpy captor, a cheery wizard, and all sorts of weird and wonderful creatures,  Lucy needs to get back to Earth and somehow restore the planet – and everyone on it – back to life.

All Lucy has on her side is the power of imagination, and her newfound friends… but will they be enough?

BUY: iBooks | Kobo AmazonPaperback | Illustrator’s Edition


Picture Books


cover 5What Stars Are Made Of


“Sometimes it’s our darkest moments that make us shine.”

The maker of stars journeys hidden in the night-time to collect the sorrow, the sadness and the anger from children. Taking it back to his secret lab, he works to build a new star; a beacon of light and hope, so the world can be a brighter place once again.

This heartfelt story is told through 21 magical hand-painted illustrations, and will be sure to leave you feeling warm and fuzzy.

BUY: iBooks | Amazon | Kobo | Print Book | Concertina / Poster


Collective Zines


Capture(wo)manpower zine Issue One


A 40-page zine, handmade by Zee and printed on environmentally friendly paper.

The New Zealand women featured in this zine are living creative lives every day, and inspire me every day. From singers to writers to painters, these women share their (very) personal stories about what drives them; about why they make art.

BUY: Print (direct)



Secrets front cover pp Secrets is a smorgasbord of short stories and poetry from young writers across New Zealand. These writers share their creativity, insight and quirkiness – all with a good dose of humour!





Colouring Books


Lucy-Colouring-Book-Cover-Art-border-smallLucy’s Colouring Book Children’s Colouring Book


Relax, unwind and let your creativity flow with Lucy’s Colouring Book from writer and artist, Z.R. Southcombe.

Based on Lucy’s Story: The End of the World, this book has 16 hand-drawn illustrations for you to bring your inner artist to the forefront. From butterflies and dragons to a whole new world, this book is a treat for your imagination.

Just like her fiction books, Lucy’s Colouring Book is suitable for ‘children’ of all ages.

BUY: Print (direct)



Cover-CopyThe Caretaker’s Colouring Book Adult Colouring Book


Relax, unwind and let your creativity flow with The Caretaker’s Colouring Book from children’s author & artist, Z. R. Southcombe. Based on The Caretaker of Imagination, this book has 16 hand-drawn illustrations for you to bring your inner artist to the forefront. From wizards and cats to an enchanted forest, this book is a treat for your imagination.

Just like her fiction books, The Caretaker’s Colouring Book is suitable for ‘children’ of all ages. The books are printed on high quality paper, one per page, so you are free to use the colouring tool of your choice.

BUY: Paperback (direct) | Paperback (Amazon)

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